Friday, October 29, 2010


There is a grafitti artist in the UK named "Banksy" who does walls around the city. He had to hide his identity for some time because graffiti is illegal and he didn't want to get into trouble. The process and secrecy behind his art is intriguing and I certainly wouldn't mind if he "vandalized" something in my town. Graffiti art is quite cutting edge and there is still debate about whether it should really be considered art at all. This reminds me of how "pop art" was first received by the art world.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sunflower Seeds

I recently saw an article about a sculpture at the Tate Modern by a Chinese artist named Ai WeiWei. It is a million individually sculpted and painted sunflower seed replicas made of porcelain carpeting the gallery floor. What an amazing piece of work!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Beat Generation

For the paper on Chapters 6 & 7 that is due (soon!) I picked up a book called "Women of the Beat Generation: The Writers, Artists and Muses at the Heart of a Revolution" by Brenda Knight. I chose to focus on a female artist from this time period for my "lesser known" artist because women at this point in history were still highly undervalued as artists and writers. I read Ginsberg and Kerouac as a teenager and loved there stuff but never really questioned if there were female beat writers at the time and this book explores quite a few of them. I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Art in the Park

While walking through the Elm Park in Worcester to find a piece of art to do my first museum paper for class on, I could not help but stop and take pictures of a couple of other pieces as well.  I took my three year old son with me and I can't say who was more in awe of "Jellyfish" by Fernando De Olivera, him or me. I also enjoyed watching my son play with "Tube-O-Phone" by Susu Wing, an interactive sculpture made of pvc pipe that can be played like a musical instrument by blowing or banging on it.  I quite enjoyed "happening upon" art while walking through this familiar outdoor setting.
Liam and Jellyfish
Liam and Tube-O-Phone